Free APM live online training

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 Please note: the courses are fully booked. Please send an e-mail to to be put on the waiting list.
This course is for Service Providers who use myPlant’s APM for engine monitoring in their daily work.
  General , Digital
 90 minutes


  • A free live online training that covers the features and functionalities of Asset Performance Management (APM), a tool that helps you monitor the performance of your customers' engines. The training scope is to showcase how the application works and dive into its functionalities, present you the advantages of being connected to the platform and the benefits of each subscription package. It is available to all INNIO distributors who want to improve their knowledge of APM functionalities and be better equipped to serve their customers.


  • Please note: the courses are fully booked. Please send an e-mail to to be put on the waiting list.
  • This course is for Service Providers who use myPlant’s APM for engine monitoring in their daily work.

Theoretische und praktische Inhalte

  • Expert insight into how our powerful APM platform works,
  • The advantages of being connected to myPlant,
  • A deep dive into APM functionalities such as operational efficiency, emissions monitoring, reporting, and predictive analytics,
  • An overview of your subscription benefits,
  • An open Q&A session.

Die Teilnahme an diesem Kurs bietet Ihnen

  • Articulate the key functionalities and competently give short demonstrations of APM to your customers
  • Navigate the desired functionality
  • Identify the feature appropriate for each use case
  • Incorporate the tool in your daily engine operation


  • Course length:
  •       • 90 minutes including Q&A
  • Type of training:
  •       • live online training/webinar
  • Number of participants:
  •       • maximum 40 participants
  • Languages:
  •       • English
  • Please note: the courses are fully booked. Send an e-mail to to be put on the waiting list.


  • Headset and stable internet connection (Webcams on for interactive training)

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